Input System
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Last updated
The game uses Input System and allows seamlessly switching between different devices during any stage of gameplay.
Input system was added in the 1.0.2 version of the game. It features slight changes to the scene hierarchy. We recomend creating a back up of your project before updating to this version of the template.
UI Joystick, Gamepad, Keyboard
Mouse, Gamepad, Keyboard
UI Joystick, Gamepad, Keyboard
Mouse, Gamepad, Keyboard
Mobile (IOS/Android)
UI Joystick, Gamepad
Touch, Gamepad
Input Asset located at: It contains two action maps: UI and Gameplay
This action map contains default UI actions like click and navigate, as well as two custom actions:
Settings - this action is responsible for opening settings window in main menu and for opening pause window during gameplay.
Back - this action map is responsible for closing main menu windows and pause window in during gameplay.
This action map contains only one action - Movement. It is responsible for the movement of the character during gameplay.
You can add additional bindings to the actions above to accommodate for more specific devices.
Input Manager manages switching between different input types, provides access to the Input Asset and controlls the visibility of UI Joystick and Button Highlights.