Starting Ability
Add a starting ability to a specific character.
Last updated
Add a starting ability to a specific character.
Last updated
Version 1.0 introduced Weapon Abilities. Any ability can be marked as a weapon, and it would appear in the Weapon Select window at the start of each stage.
Version 1.0.2 expands this system with a new feature - Starting Ability. Now you can assign an ability to a character, and it will automatically start with it.
Starting Abilities can be used along with the Weapon Abilities. However, for gameplay clarity, its recommended to stick to one method.
Assigning this ability is very simple:
Open the Database. In should look something like this in the Inspector:
There you will see new options:
The first one enables the Starting Ability for this specific character. The second determines the ability itself. The ability list is determined by the Abilities Database. Tune them to your liking.
If you want an ability to be exclusive to one character, assign it as a starting ability, and mark it as a weapon at the same time - this way it won't appear while playing as another character.
If the ability you expected to appear in the dropdown is not there, make sure its properly registered. To know more, visit Add Abilities.
Now, if you enabled the options, your character should display its ability in the Character Selector.
Head to your Characters Database. Its typically located here .